The Blessing Avalanche

September 2024 - November 2024

In Ephesians 1:3-14 is a continuous cascade of hope and joy through seven blessings that we can cling to from God. These blessings remind us of what is eternal and everlasting in Christ.


Relationship Pitfalls

August 2024 - September 2024

Relationships can be tricky - from co-workers to kids, spouses, college roommates, extended family, and friends, it can be challenging to manage, and there are many ways they can go sideways. Each week, we’ll see what hope and wisdom the Bible offers about one of the five blunders everyone should avoid.


A Great Commitment

August 2024

Jesus sent his disciples out with a Great Commandment and Commission - to love God and lead those around them into a growing relationship with Him. That same invitation and challenge is extended to us as the body of Christ, leading to an opportunity for a great commitment by the church!


This Is The Good News // Camp Celebration

August 2024

This Sunday, we celebrated what God did at Camp! One of the themes of the Gospel of Mark is that Jesus is the Good News that we are looking for. Jesus came to seek and save the lost - he came to serve, not be served.


Lord Above All

June 2024 - July 2024

In the book of Colossians, we see the identity of Christ and guidance for how we structure our priorities and worship. Jesus’ identity above all is Lord and, when it comes to our lives, he is the Lord above all.


New Senior Pastor Commissioning

April 2024

On April 7, 2024, Tommy Politz passed on the Senior Pastor role of Hillside Christian Church to Johnathan Mast. The Elder Council commissioned and prayed over Johnathan and his family for this new role.


Stories Jesus Told

March 2024 - May 2024

Jesus was a wonderful storyteller. Through his parables, Jesus told stories to help his followers understand deeper truths about the character of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and how we should live and treat those around us because of his great love and life.


Greener Pastures

February 2024 - March 2024

You've likely heard the axiom, “The grass is greener on the other side.” Far too often, we drift into an unhealthy discontentment - longing for what this world offers. What's next isn't always better, but what God has planned for us when we are at home in eternity with Him is!


Senior Pastor Transition

February 2024

At the core of Hillside’s culture is functioning and serving as a team in every moment. Join us as Tommy Politz shares a vision for the next season of Hillside through Team Leadership and Team Transitions.


The Bible and Mental Health

January 2024 - February 2024

Throughout the New and Old Testament, we see that mental and spiritual health are deeply connected. In this series, we will address worry and anxiety, sadness and depression, stress and burnout, as well as what it means to have peace of mind.


Praying The Lord's Prayer

December 2023

Praying Scripture is practiced and modeled by Jesus. Jesus Himself even gives us a prayer to speak to the Father: The Lord’s Prayer. This robust practice has the power to transform our hearts, souls, strength, and minds.


An Old Testament Christmas

December 2023

Before the star in the sky, the baby in the manger, and shepherds watching their flocks by night, there was hope woven throughout the Old Testament. It is a Christmas hope pointing to the savior of the world we encounter and see in the New Testament.


When You're Tempted

October 2023 - November 2023

Temptation does not want to take over a small part of your life, it wants to overrun all of you. How do we fight back when we are tempted? What if it feels like we are backed into a corner? Take heart - God’s faithfulness helps us endure and overcome any temptation as we live for Christ.


Bringing People To Jesus

October 2023

Jesus said that "the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Jesus invites us with Him into this mission - to be laser-focused on praying for opportunities and open doors to invite those we know to come with us and see Jesus.


Christians and Israel

October 2023

The developments in the Middle East are escalating quickly. Is this the end times? What is an appropriate biblical and theological response for Christians?


Great God

September 2023 - October 2023

There is so much to be known about God - some things we can understand and others we might never grasp at all. When we see what the Bible says about how Great God is, it gives us cause and reason to fear, tremble, and revere Him. Join us in this six-week series as we marvel at what Scripture teaches about our Great God.


How Jesus Saves

August 2023

We often have the tendency to overcomplicate the Gospel, losing sight of its elegant simplicity. The beauty of salvation is that it isn't based on our own merits or works. This is how Jesus saves - it is found in Christ alone, achieved by grace alone, and received through faith alone.


Use Your Gifts

August 2023

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)


Trivial Pursuits

May 2023 - July 2023

As life and time zooms by, new things seem to inevitably tarnish and wear out. What is even the point? Where should we put our effort, and what deserves our focus? Hope isn’t lost, though! In Ecclesiastes, God gives us wisdom on what to pursue in life.


Knowing Jesus

April 2023 - May 2023

What do we need to know in life? There is so much information - some helpful and some seemingly useless. How do we know what to study and what to throw out? Here’s one thing we can count on that absolutely matters in life: Knowing Jesus.


Adding Insult to Injury

March 2023 - April 2023

As Jesus died on the cross, it was not just physical injuries he suffered. He also endured verbal, mental, and spiritual insults that ironically demonstrate and proclaim the deep truth, love, and forgiveness of God that has the power to change your life!


The Land of Promises

February 2023 - March 2023

The Bible is a landscape of promises from God to His people. It is a story of God’s faithfulness because God is who is says He is, and He will do what He says He will do. Some of these promises have been fulfilled, some are coming to fruition right now, and some we still anticipate to come.


Bone of Contention

January 2023

It’s easy to want to fight back and get even when you have conflict. What should you do when there is disagreement? What matters most is that you follow Christ’s instruction when you have a bone of contention.


The Christmas I Never Knew

December 2022

There are pieces of the Christmas story that most of us know: the baby, the manger, the star, the shepherds, and the wisemen. Let’s look at some of the pieces of Luke’s Gospel that you might have never heard that complete the picture of the Christmas story.


Four Letter Words Everyone Should Use

November 2022

There are four letter words we know we should never use. Join us as we look at four letter words that God says everyone should absolutely use because these little words have a big impact!


Forget About It

October 2022

There is power in forgetfulness, and there is power in remembrance. One of the keys to our joy and peace in the Christian life is understanding what we need to remember and what we need to forget.


Sex, Dating, and Marriage

August 2022 - October 2022

Do you want a stronger marriage? What biblical principles should you learn to prepare you for marriage? What qualities should you look for in dating relationships?


Don't Discount Your Story

August 2022

The Bible is a story of God's redemption and love extended to us. Our testimony is where God's story intersects and forever changes our story. Your testimony is powerful and special as it demonstrates God's unique love. Don't keep it to yourself. Don't Discount Your Story!


Summer in the Psalms

June 2022 - July 2022

Eight weeks, eight Psalms, where we see the goodness and faithfulness of God. They are a collection of songs, wisdom, and prayers that challenge, guide, and lead us into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


Say What?!

April 2022

When Jesus taught, He said some things that make us “Say What?!” Join us as we look at 7 mind-blowing truths that Jesus said.


Easter At Hillside

April 2022

He is Risen! Through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and the empty tomb, we have the opportunity to experience the forgiveness of our sins and have eternal hope when we put our faith and hope in Him.


Triple 3:15

March 2022 - April 2022

Jesus hasn’t just saved us from sin, He has also saved us for a purpose. As we are united with Christ, we experience His residence in our heart and rule over us, leading us to reverence for Him.


Warning Labels

February 2022

The Bible has some powerful Warning Labels throughout it. These statements and commands are meant to protect us spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Join us as we explore various boundaries and warnings that God gives us so that we can live in the freedom and fullness of Christ.


Actual Happiness

January 2022

Actual Happiness. What is it? Where is it found? How can we get it? What the world tells will bring us joy and hope ends up being temporary, fleeting, and lackluster. But the Bible tells us how we can experience happiness that is eternal, lasting, and fulfilling - Actual Happiness.


It's A Wonderful Love

December 2021

Love is more than a feeling. Love is from God! It is demonstrated through the incarnation and crucifixion of Jesus. This love is shared with those around us as we anticipate and experience the redemption offered by the Gospel Truth of Christ. It’s A Wonderful Love!


The Idol Factory

October 2021 - November 2021

The human heart is a perpetual Idol Factory. We elevate the idol of self above God. Yet, this self-love, self-admiration, self-pity, self-righteousness, and self-sufficiency leaves us empty. What happens when we dethrone the idol of self and let God take his rightful place in our hearts and lives?


The Danger of Indifference

October 2021

What are we to do in seasons where we feel spiritually numb and apathetic? These moments where passion within our hearts is mere embers of what was once a flame. Jesus wants to ignite a spiritual fervor and save us from the dangers of indifference.


Hillside Foundations

August 2016

A strong foundation. It matters in construction, and it matters in life. What are you building your life on? This collection is a great way to start building or keep maintaining your faith.