Our mission is to love God as we lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


We believe in the importance of developing our spiritual walk through these 5 areas:
Worship, Grow, Serve, Share, and Give.

Worship - Worship is the way we express our love, gratitude, and respect for God. Worship can take place individually or within a group. At Hillside, each week we host worship services so we can practice the biblical principle of meeting together to praise God as a community and to encourage each other in our faith. Times of worship may include music and singing, reading the Bible, praying, silence, and giving of an offering.
Hebrews 10:25

Grow - Growth is promoted through two key elements: studying the Word of God and building community. The Bible is God’s Word to all people, and it gives wisdom and insight so that we can grow as believers. Creating community can be as simple as joining a group, being a part of a Serve Team, or participating in a Bible Study. No matter your season of life, we have a place for you to connect and grow.
Acts 2:42-47

Serve - Serving is at the heart of what it means to be like Jesus. Service happens within the walls of our church buildings, but also in our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities, and around the world. We want each person at Hillside to be empowered and equipped to serve in areas that use their unique God-given gifts.
1 Peter 4:10

Share - Sharing is the most natural thing we can do as believers. As God changes our lives, we get to share that same hope and love with others. It might be a simple invitation to a worship service, or a conversation with a neighbor. We just share what God is doing in our lives and invite others to join us.
Romans 1:15-17

Give - Giving is a way of life. We want to be a generous community that lives life with open hands, always looking for what we can give away and who we can bless. That is a collective commitment and an individual commitment. As individuals and families, we practice tithing and strive to be good caretakers of our finances and resources, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God.
Acts 20:25