Elementary Camp - Day 3

Friday Afternoon – Session 4 – “This is the Good News: Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God, and King.”

Bottom Line: God had an upside-down plan to save us through Jesus.

Key Question: “Who do you say that Jesus is?”

Bible Truth:Mark 8:27-33 - Jesus is the Messiah King who came to rescue us from sin and death. But God’s plan to save us is upside-down from what the disciples expected. The Messiah, the Son of God, will suffer and die for our sins. And then, three days later, he will rise again. God’s plan to save us was perfect, and filled with love for us.


Friday Evening – Session 5 – “This is the Good News: Jesus gave his life for you.”

Bottom Line: Jesus died for your sins.

Key Question: “How did Jesus demonstrate his love for you?”

Bible Truth:  Mark 15:37-39, John 3:16-17 - Jesus took the punishment for our sins by dying a death that he did not deserve. He was willing to die for us, because he loved us and wanted to restore our relationship with God forever.