Thursday Afternoon – Session 2 – “This is the Good News: Jesus has power over all things.”
Bottom Line: Nothing is impossible for God.
Key Question: “Does God care about me?”
Bible Truth: Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus has power over all things, even creation. The safest place is with him, because he cares for you. He knows what you need and you can trust him to help you. This is why we can trust Him to be our Savior.
Thursday Evening – Session 3 – “This is the Good News: Jesus wants to be your Lord.”
Bottom Line: Following Jesus means surrendering ALL to him.
Key Question: “What does it mean to follow Jesus?”
Bible Truth: JMark 8:34-36, 10:17-31 - The disciples left everything to follow Jesus, but the rich young ruler couldn’t give up his wealth to follow Jesus. What do you need to surrender in order to follow Jesus? Following Jesus is the best decision you could ever make in this life. Jesus wants to be your Lord; he is after a surrendered heart.