Baby Dedication Date - May 14

Baby Dedication (May 12th) is a celebration where you, the parent, profess your commitment to following Christ and leading your child into a growing relationship with Him, in the presence of God, your family, and your church family. It is a commitment as a parent to live out the Biblical principle of Proverbs 22:6: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” In partnering with Hillside to dedicate your child, you can expect the church to come alongside you with consistent Biblical teaching, encouragement, and fellowship from a community of believers as you raise your child to know the Lord.

If you are interested in pursuing Baby Dedication at Hillside, the first step is to attend a Baby Dedication Parent Meeting. At the Parent meeting, we will study the Scriptures with an emphasis on understanding God’s plan for parenting and training up children to follow Him. We will also discuss our church’s mission, beliefs, and core values so that you fully understand what it means to partner with us in shepherding your child as a member of Hillside. If you are not already a member of the church, you will have an opportunity at this meeting to place membership at Hillside.

After attending the Parent Meeting, you’ll be able to register for the May 12th Baby Dedication at your campus.

Baby Dedication Parent Meeting Dates

Parent Meeting- Amarillo North Grand Campus

Sunday, April 21 following the 10:00am service

Amarillo North Grand Campus | Transit Classroom

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Amarillo Northwest Campus

Sunday, April 28 at 6:00pm

Amarillo Northwest Campus | Fellowship Hall

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Amarillo South Campus

Sunday, April 28 at 11:30am

Amarillo South Campus | Fellowship Hall

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Amarillo West Campus

Join us at one of our two meetings: Thursday, April 18th @ 6:00pm or Sunday, April 21 @ 12:30pm

Amarillo West Campus | Extreme Kids

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Big Spring Campus

Sunday, April 21 @ 12:15pm

Big Spring Campus | Fellowship Hall

Meeting Registration

Parent Meeting- Canyon Campus

Sunday, April 21 @ 11:00am

Canyon Campus Student Building

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Clovis Campus

Sunday, April 21 at 11:15am

Clovis Campus | Fellowship Hall

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Dalhart Campus

Sunday, April 21 following the 10:00am service

Dalhart Campus | Fellowship Hall

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Lubbock Campus

Join us at one of our two meetings - Wednesday, April 17 @ 6:30pm or Sunday, April 28 @ 6:00pm

Lubbock Campus | Milwaukee Building Transit

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration

Parent Meeting- Levelland Campus

Sunday, April 21 @ 11:30am

Levelland Campus | Conference Room

Meeting Registration Childcare Registration
Frequently Asked Questions